Female Fertility Lifestyle Factors

Female fertility lifestyle factors play a huge role in your reproductive health. Certain lifestyle choices can either positively or negatively affect your fertility.


Drinking makes it harder for your body to absorb Zinc. And causes other fertility issues. One issue is that it makes it hard for the egg to stick to the uterus once implanted. This can cause irregular cycles and other problems. Even if you are not pregnant yet, avoid alcohol if possible. Keep it out of your female fertility lifestyle. This will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Caffeine (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

Little evidence suggest caffeine to be detrimental to a female fertility lifestyle. Although, I recommend limiting caffeine to once a week. This is only when you are trying to conceive. You can always switch to green tea. Green tea helps reproductive health in moderation. A good green tea can be found at Matcha Green Tea Powder.

Unfiltered Water

Unfiltered water contains trace amounts of harmful heavy metals, arsenic, chlorine, lead, and fluoride. It also contains other toxins that are harmful to a female fertility lifestyle. It is best to drink filtered water. And bring a canteen filled with filtered water to avoid drinking from water fountains. There is only one type of water filter that filters all kinds of toxins. It is one that uses reverse osmosis to filter the water. The filter I would recommend that would accomplish can be found at…

Smoking (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

This is an obvious one for a female fertility lifestyle. If trying to get pregnant, avoid smoking and second hand smoking at all costs. Smoking can damage your ovaries greatly. It can also cause other reproductive issues. These will limit your ability to conceive.

Drugs (Female Fertility Lifesyle)

Certain drugs can affect a female fertility lifestyle in a number of ways. They can cause ovulation to be irregular and make a women miss a period. They can even make a women infertile in severe cases. I recommend not to use any drugs, even prescription drugs, as they will affect fertility as well.

BPA Products (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor. This means it interferes with the bodies normal hormone signaling. Studies have shown that being exposed to it makes it harder to get pregnant. It also damages women’s eggs. And overall diminishes your fertility.  BPA is common in many items that most are not aware of. Any products containing BPA should be avoided at all cost. This is to live a beneficial female fertility lifestyle.

Canned food

Many canned foods are lined with BPA. I recommend doing research to see if the canned food you are buying contains BPA. Buy only canned foods that are not lined with it.


Many plastics contain BPA, such as plastic water bottles. The plastic numbers that generally contain BPA  are 3, 6, and 7. Also, I would avoid plastic one as it may leech BPA overtime. The safer plastics to use are 2, 4, and 5.

Other – Receipts and More

Receipts you get from purchasing an item are laced with BPA. Pass on the receipt when possible. There are also many other sources of BPA. It is up to the individual to use due diligence to avoid them as much as possible.

Shampoo and Body Wash

Most shampoos and body washes (and other products) are filled with phthalates (endocrine disruptor) and other chemicals. These have been proven to be a negative female fertility lifestyle factor. High levels of phthalates have been shown to inhibit ovary function. These high level of phthalates are accumulated through regular use of ordinary shampoos and body washes. I recommend ditching traditional shampoos and body washes. And switch to a more organic and natural alternative.  I currently use a  a shampoo and body wash that only contains organic ingredients. The shampoo and body wash I use is the cheapest organic body wash I could find. And also still being high quality. Others should replace there shampoo and body wash with it. You can purchase it at…


Toothpaste, although not a significant source in a female fertility lifestyle. It still has some negatives affects. Regular toothpaste contains fluoride, phthalates, and other chemicals. These are harmful to your reproductive system.  Furthermore, you ingest some of these chemicals when brushing your teeth. This in turn hurts you more than just having them on your skin. The toothpaste I use is cheap and organic. I recommend others to use it. It can be found at toothpaste.

 Household Cleaners

Regular household cleaners, such as bleach and dish soap are harmful to a female fertility lifestyle. I recommend sticking with all natural cleaners, such as vinegar and lemon.

Pollution, Toxins, and Chemicals (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

Pollution in air

Typically the air you breathe is polluted. Pollution has been shown to damage the reproductive system. It also increases the chances of a women miscarrying. This factor is probably the hardest to avoid in a female fertility lifestyle.

Workplace Toxins and Chemicals

Toxins and chemicals at someone’s workplace can harm their fertility. Female’s working in places such as factories should be careful. This is because you are constantly exposed to high levels of these toxins, such as asbestos. If you are trying to conceive, I recommend an alternative job for any women working in a highly toxic workplace.

Stress (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

Physical and emotional stress is a major female fertility lifestyle factor. It causes women to miss their periods and delay or halt ovulation. It also can make an  ovulation schedule irregular. I recommend taking yoga to relax yourself physically and emotionally.

Weight (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

Being overweight or underweight is usually an unnoticed female fertility lifestyle factor. Having a improper weight can disrupt your hormone production. This in turn will make your menstrual cycle irregular.  A healthy weight will increase the frequency of your ovulation schedule. It will also make it more regular.


Exercise is definitely important for a female fertility lifestyle. But try to limit it to only a few hours a week. If you are already a healthy weight, limit your exercise to four hours a week when trying to conceive. Too much exercise can have detrimental affects on hormone production.

Sleep (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

It is important to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night to maintain a female fertility lifestyle. Hormones are released at night that regulate your fertility.  A lack of sleep or disruption to your sleep cycle can hurt this necessary phase. This in turn will increase stress, drowsiness, vaginal dryness, and more. These factors will decrease your chances of conceiving. I take chamomile tea when I have trouble sleeping. It is natural and contains antioxidants that will increase your chances of conceiving. Adding honey to it will increase its benefits. You can get chamomile tea at…

Age (Female Fertility Lifestyle)

Age is the biggest factor affecting a female fertility lifestyle. As you get older it gets harder to get pregnant. This is because you will start to ovulate less frequently and more irregularly. I recommend all females should try and conceive before the age of 30. This is to avoid the female fertility lifestyle factor issues involving age.

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